Friday, November 2, 2012

Rapunzel & her lion

Happy (late) Halloween! We didn't plan on taking the kiddos trick-or-treating, but they both had costumes and they were so stinkin' cute! A friend had given us Hunter's lion costume and he looked absolutely adorable in it.  Evelyn borrowed her cousin Tessa's Rapunzel costume from Halloween last year, which is very fitting because she loooooves 'Punzel ;-) And Ev just loves dressing up so she just wore it around the house for awhile. It is so fun to do these things as she gets older! She is going through this little phase (hopefully a phase!) where she will NOT smile or look at me for pictures. So I did my best :-P

1 comment:

  1. Cuuuuuuuuuuute! Marin is going as a princess with a Rapunzel dress...but she doesn't care about Rapunzel as much as she cares that she is the PURPLE princess. :-) Hopefully Ev's thing is a quick phase...although, I don't have much encouragement for you that taking pictures gets easier! Ha. I only have a handful from the past year where all three kids are looking AND smiling at the camera. :-P
