Friday, October 18, 2013

Greetham Family Update

I know I am ridiculously behind, but I will do my best to catch you up and overload you with pictures 
so you can't hold it against me! :)

Ahh. Being passionate is a wonderful quality. Passionate people are driven, they take action, they make things happen. But a passionate spirit coupled with an unregenerate, stubborn, willful heart can be dangerous. And that is Evelyn in a nutshell :) ha! Forest & I talk about it a lot, and we truly do love Evelyn's personality. She is spunky, free, funny, motivated, and excitable. And as she grows, and hopefully comes to know the Lord personally, we will continue to pray for wisdom on how to help her control that passion and use it for God's glory and kingdom! But for right now, as a two and a half year old-- it just means a LOT of discipline, a LOT of training, and a LOT of frustration, but also a LOT of fun and LOTS of laughs!

Evelyn continues to love arts and crafts, and when she focuses, she does a great job drawing people and writing letters. She loves to learn and gets very excited when we "do school." She is learning letters more in depth- how to write them, what sounds they make, and what words start with that letter. She loves being outside and lately we have been walking at the park every morning so Momma gets some excercise, and here I let her walk instead of ride in the stroller, so she burns off a lot of energy too. She gets excited in the mornings when we go to the "Fit trail!" :-) We have also enjoyed going to Storytime at the library on Tuesdays. She loves singing songs, doing a craft, and listening to the book (while interrupting every 2 minutes to ask questions or make comments).

The girl is seriously 2 going on 7. Sometimes I forget she is only two because she just talks so much. SO much. And asks so many questions and can remain engaged in conversations you wouldn't think a two year old could keep up with. But trust me, anything you say in her presence will be repeated or talked about later, guaranteed :-) She is very funny. She says things everyday that make me laugh out loud. Which, trust me again, she notices. Maybe next month I will share a bunch of the quotes I have written down that she has said.

She is very very very social. She loves people. Doesn't matter age, gender, location, whether or not you've ever met, she loves you and wants to talk to you and ask you about your life and tell you about hers. I love that about her! She talks often of her friends at church, and loves going to Sunday School & Junior Church to spend time with them. Emme, Lauren, JJ, & Jayla are the ones she talks about the most!

Hunter is now 14 months!
Oh this kid melts my heart. He is a little mommy's boy and also a cuddle bug which is a recipe for leaving my mommy heart in puddles! I love this age. I love seeing his personality develop. He is such a funny kid. He is pretty laid back, and while he definitely  likes people, he is pretty content just playing on his own, or just wandering around the house doing his own thing. But I do not like him wandering around the house doing his own thing too much...because "doing his own thing" usually entails throwing things in the toilet, ripping up the garbage, breaking valuables, and basically anything destructive! ha! The kid is into everything. When Evelyn was little she never got into things like he does. It is just interesting. His favorite toy is any and all balls! All day he is content to Throw. Chase. Repeat. Throw. Chase. Repeat. Though, he does enjoy it more when daddy plays with him and it turns into Throw. Chase. Tackle. Repeat. Boys :-) Oh, and I still am planning on doing a post with pics from his birthday....really I am!

The kid eats like a hog. The other day he had two helpings of man sized portions of lasagna. He's a machine. He just recently got 3 of his molars (at the same time). Oy! So I think that makes 11 teeth now. He is finally big enough to climb onto the furniture which he thinks is pretty cool. The other day he actually walked into the living room, used the remote to turn on the TV, hops up into the recliner and nonchalantly enjoys his cartoons. Really?? I was shocked. And really hope the remote thing was just a lucky guess. He loves music and loves to dance. Again, mommy heart=melted. Him & Ev very regularly have dance parties in the living room. He is taking two naps still but I think the transition into one nap is on the horizon in the next few months. He is generally a very happy kid and is very easy to make laugh! He still is very content without speaking a lot. He has a handful or words he says, and some sign language, but other than that doesn't seem very interested in developing his communication skills. With a big sister like his, not like he would have much time to talk anyway!

Baby #3 is 22 weeks old!
Not a whole lot here. It is easy to forget your pregnant when you are busy chasing two toddlers around. That is, until 9:00 pm comes and you can't figure out why is feels like midnight and you are ready for bed :) Or why you just seem to always want a Big Mac.
We had our big ultrasound a couple of weeks ago, and everything looks good, and the gender still a surprise! Official due date: February 20. Or according to Evelyn the baby is coming out just some time after her birthday. Oh, and it is a sister because she already has a brother. Haha!  I am feeling well, with a few random days thrown in there that I just don't feel that great, but overall this has been an easy pregnancy as of yet!

Here is a hodge podge of pictures from August-Now. Enjoy :-)

(Mom, Dad, & Hunter as drawn by Evelyn)

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