Friday, November 11, 2011

Repentance and Hope

Read this: Psalm 51. Really, do it!

I love this passage. I go to it very often in my quiet time with the Lord. King David's cry to the Lord in the account is such a beautiful and tangible example of  a repentant heart. It also beautifully shows us the hope of restoration following repentance. I was listening to a sermon once and the speaker (I think it was James MacDonald?)  said something like this: "Regret always dwells on he past; always looks back. True repentance always looks ahead; looks forward and breaks through to hope." I don't remember the exact quote, but the concept has stuck with me since. When I am in a place where I need to repent, my attitude and heart-focus shows if I just regret and feel guilty about it, or if I am truly repentant. It is easy to remain in a place focused on self and the sin, instead of moving from there to action and focusing on the Lord's holiness and power over that sin!  Then breaks forth HOPE of forgiveness. HOPE of restoration. HOPE of change! We can have hope because if we are in Christ, we are free from the bondage of sin (looking forward). Repentance is an amazing thing the Lord gives us because it brings forth true joy and a truly restored relationship with the Father! I would say that is an AMAZING thing! We should desire it, and humble ourselves and do it when we have broken that relationship with our deliberate choice to sin. I am so thankful that He is able and willing to thoroughly wash (vs.2) me from my iniquity, and create in me a clean heart (vs 10)!

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