Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Word in Pictures

Ok, so here is the thing. I DID THE WRONG WORD FOR THIS MONTHS POST! HA! Seriously, where is my brain?!?! This month was supposed to be "Moments" and I was really excited about that one.. but maybe because of the lovely spring weather we have had I thought it was NEXT month's word..."new"! I wish I had a good excuse or explanation but I don't...so just bear with me ;-) Maybe next month I will do "moments"....

 I love spring. I love how the earth just proclaims newness, freshness, and life. We have been so thankful to be able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine outside together. We have already been on many walks and visited several parks and are looking forward to more in the months to come!

Something about a sweet little boy in a hat just makes my heart melt! 

 (Oh, Ev... this face...lol)

One of his favorite things to do is "blow raspberries" (which that term doesn't even make sense to me, but I can't very well describe it another way in text ;)) and this is the cute little duck face that comes with it! Love it!

Go check out my sister's amazing photos and see what "moments" she captured this month... HERE


  1. Jody, so glad you still posted your "new" pictures. I love seeing pictures of your kids and reading your posts because your outlook is so encouraging!

  2. That picture of Ev is too much...LOOOOOVE her!
