Sunday, January 6, 2013

Monthly Kiddo Update

Evelyn is now 23 months!

(I cannot believe in a month my baby girl will be 2 years old! That is just unreal.)
-Evelyn has a handful of new toys from Christmas that are keeping her busy... She asks often to "play castle!" (her Little People Disney Princess Castle), and is often found sitting and drawing on her Magnadoodle, which she loves. She also has had fun feeding, caring for, and taking Joelle (her Cabbage Patch Doll) on walks around the house. ( You have to hear her say is so cute!)
- A new phrase heard very often around here is "May I have a cookie please?" or "May I have some milk please" And if you don't respond in a timely fashion she will reply to herself with "Yes, you may!".
-Another thing that is funny is ONE time I had a glass of chocolate milk and I let her have a sip... so sometimes she asks if she can please have some "brown milk". ha :-)
-Not a whole lot new with her besides the fact that it seem her language skills and understanding of things improve every single day!
Here is my sweet girl all prettied up for church!

And this is her natural smile...which I just LOVE!

Hunter is now 5 months!

-I feel like this boy changes and grows every single day!
-We have discovered that he prefers to sleep on his side- which is fine, I am a side sleeper, too- but lately he has been waking at night because he rolls over onto his back and cannot get back onto his side on his own (at least the way he wants!) so we need to go in there and roll him back and he will conk right back out... So easy enough fix--still kind of a pain ;-) Hoping he learns to get comfy on his own soon, or just learns to sleep on his back!
-He has started to eat solids and is finally getting the hang of eating off of a spoon. I am excited to start making baby food for him as I loved doing that with Evelyn!
-At about 4.5 months he had a doctor's appointment and weighed 15 1/2 pounds and is is 6-9 month clothes and a size 3 diaper at night.
-He is becoming more and more fun as he is awake for longer periods during the day and is getting good at grabbing (and biting and drooling all over) toys and is seeming enjoy being more active! He has also discovered what a fun and convenient toy his feet are!
-He is still the sweetest little thing and loves to be held and cuddled! Love my little boy!

 Haha! Goofball...

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