Thursday, September 13, 2012

My life

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There are definitely different stages of parenting.  And each stage brings it's own joys and hardships. The newborn/baby stage is when your parenting basically consists of meeting all of the physical needs of this tiny human totally dependent on you. As that newborn grows and develops and miraculously transitions into the toddler stage, your parenting is still marked by meeting the child's physical needs...but also enters a little thing called discipline. Ay yi yi. The newborn stage is tough.  The toddler stage is tough.  Being in both stages  simultaneously is doubly tough! :-) But it also brings double the joy and blessings.  That sounds like a cheesy little cliche, and it kind of is-- But the Lord is graciously allowing me to see the truth of it!  I will be honest,  the first couple weeks were rough.  Not because Hunter was a "bad" baby, but it was just exhausting!  And emotional.  And being really honest, I had kind of a bad attitude.  I recall a conversation with a friend where I said "Yeah, I am realizing how much I hate the newborn stage!".  Bringing that to mind now, I am actually ashamed that I said that.  Or more so, ashamed that I really did feel that way.  The reason I wasn't enjoying it is because I was constantly thinking of ME. What I wanted to do. (sleep.) What I didn't want to do. (NOT sleep). haha.  I was not content.  I longed for a time where I would sleep again, where I could actually go places again, where I felt like I had some sort of control over my day, where I could (and would desire to) take a shower and put on real clothes.  All the while, my little man is growing and time is moving on.  I know things will get easier. I know I will sleep again.  But at that point, I will be missing all of the sweet things you get with a baby baby.  I know that in this stage there is much the Lord longs to teach me.  There are many joys I can experience if I just stop focusing on me!  "This too shall pass" is a reminder that things won't always be this stressful. But it also reminds me that this precious time with my little ones will one day come to an end. These days, while hectic, really are such a blessing.  And with this change of heart, they have only become better!  I look at my silly, funny, ball of energy named Evelyn and thank the Lord for her. I love her joy and her vibrant personality.  I look at the face of my sweet little boy and it is amazing that I love him so much-- but I know as he grows and I get to know who he is, I will love him even more.  If nothing else, I hope you take this away from my babblings... Learn to be content!  Each season of life is so special and so unique, carrying with it a new set of trials and blessings.  Choosing to be content and choosing to find joy in your circumstances makes all the difference. And we can rest in the fact that a Lord who loves us is in control.  And because of that there is always joy to be found!


  1. What a rotten, discontented human nature, huh? :-P Unfortunately "me" and what Mommy wants remains a struggle with me because Mommy is so all of the time. Just a season, though!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I am sure this will be so helpful to me in a few months. :)
